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Monday, August 19, 2013

Accompany his child to play

Accompany his child to play

Play allow the child to discover and learn the world that stay around him. Through the game, he will can develop his motor functions, learn languages and communication, develop its reflexion sense, and globaly, the game helps to understand better the environment.
A good way to grow up. Even if we have to let children play alone, accompany him in the game is essential. With the help of 3 specialists, we will zoom on attitudes and rules to adopt in order to build these moments of play like instants of intense complicity and stimulating learning.

« "Play is essential for children, and more for children from 0 to 6 years old, says Carine Chauvet, toy librarian responsible for welcoming families to the game library Quai des Ludes. It is simply the way to discover the world for the young. "Anne-Sophie Casal, a psychologist specializing in child development at the National Training Centre for Game and Toy (FM2J), "This is because the child plays that he grows and he grows because he needs to play. By playing, he develops his « fine motor skills » and « global motor skills », cognitive skills related to language, to decentering, that is to say the ability to put themselves in the place of another through plays situations ". Not to mention the cathartic function of the game that allows the child to express his feelings, to liquidate conflicts, to compensate situations lived in everyday life. "There are plenty of things that ask children everyday, they need the game to put these things into action and grow up," said the psychologist.

The game: source of fun, relaxation, and not of stress
"Do not mistake about the goal of game : game has to remain a funny time. Of course, we can use funny tools to learn alphabet, numbers, to reading, but at this moment, we must be aware of that we are no more in the game register "says Carine Chauvet.
Anne-Sophie Casal just co-sign the book « game of child from 0 to 6 years old », remembers that Aristote talked already about the game as a moment of relaxation necessary for learning and, as indicates J. Huiziga in Homo Ludens, "the game is free, free of charge and fictional" In a society that submits more and more young people to stress and social pressure, she believes that it is important to preserve the free playing time to suuport a strong and autonomous development of the child.

The adult face to the game
To awake the child and let him take advantage of the game, the
Rule #1: do not expect result. It is a time that takes place alone, at two or more for fun, not a competition.
 Rule # 2: Respect the imagination of the child. Even if the fire truck change in dragon! Another principle to follow: do not take the place of the child, it must remain the master of the game. Help him to do what he asks, yes, but do not do it for him. "In the game, you have to leave the power to children," advises Anne-Sophie Casal, they do not have lot of power in life in general. This is the only place where they can exercise this dimension, and it is even more important to accept the frustrations encountered in their daily live. "Moreover, very often, the child asks an adult just to reassure, search for a benevolent presence. In short, make himself available but not intrusive.

The complicity
"The important thing is not the game itself or even the toy, but the way you play. The adult must invest activity, insists Alexandra Latouche, director of seven childcare center in Lyon. Through the game, what the child wants is to spend time with adults and being the center of attention. The purpose of the game is the moment of complicity created with the adult, which helps to strengthen the parent-child relationship. "It is the same version for Carine Chauvet:" the game is one of the preferred ways for adults to focus on the child. "
Let's stop blaming: half an hour of play per day is sufficient, provided to be completely implicated on the game, and not to spend another thousand things at the same time." This is the quality listening and the time shared with the child who prevail and not its duration.

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1 comment:

  1. Children like to play toys & games in their small age. There are so many stores where we can get latest toys & games easily in India.. toys & games


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